While Ruthie and I were in a season of seeking the Lord, I felt compelled to write something God was saying. As I began writing, more came, and then more. The best I am able, I have attempted to put the proper words to what God showed me in the Spirit.

I am careful to say that this prophetic word is NOT a stereotyping of all Ana-baptist-based people or groups, because I am aware that many people and leaders in many such circles walk in and understand the ways of the Spirit, or are learning them more fully. With this understanding please read the following: 

Prophecy for the Mennonites and Amish, and Related Conservative Churches

It is time for many ancient pathways to be replaced by the pathways inhabited and anointed by God.

Many of the old pathways do not lead to the new wine of My Spirit. It is time for an increased infiltration of My Spirit among the Mennonites and those groups that emerged from the Mennonites [the Amish included].

The former ways—those ways without the fullness of the power of the Spirit—will not prevail over the new move—the old wineskins are discarded. This fresh movement cannot be stopped. Also, many who resist the move of the Spirit at its onset will end up being the apostles promoting it.

Many of the Mennonites, [and these other related churches,] hate worldly humanism, but they have embraced humanism by attempting to fit My power into their understanding and control—and by embracing a form of godliness but denying the power. They have judged the ways of God by human reasoning—man has taken control.

But now it is time to break forth. There will be a new season of learning more fully the ways of the Spirit—and those who judge this wind now by their own familiar models will be in opposition to what I will do. But again, many who oppose at first will become captives to the Truth that they opposed. I will do this great work.

I also sensed that the Lord is doing this to break down an unholy fear of God. The fear that I sensed is not the holy fear as in “fear God,” but an unholy fear as described in I John 4:18, “Fear has torment…there is no fear in love.” And because of fear, “man” has controlled, in opposition to the Spirit. The Lord is saying, “It is time to break free from unholy fear and learn that there is no need to fear what I will do and the things of the Spirit,” but the temptation is to choose that which is safe and comfortable instead of that which is holy.

I saw “Holy Spirit Conferences” where Mennonites [and related churches] would receive impartations of gifts of power—gifts of healings, and revelation gifts—Not just ministers, but all of God’s people.

I also perceived that this new move is NOT for those who want to make peace between those who desire the “demonstration of the spirit and power” and those who do not (children of the law vs. children of the Spirit)—but it is for those who want all of God—at any cost—and are willing to embrace “the sufferings of Christ” –that their eyes would be single, and their hearts would be intent on eating His flesh and drinking His blood without compromise. [John 6]

Those who oppose, and those who embrace this move of God cannot walk together in their pursuit of God.

I did not necessarily see that Amish or Mennonites would become UN-Amish or UN-Mennonite, but simply would embrace the habitation of God.

Also, I perceived that this move is not just a visitation of the Lord destined to end, but is a beginning to that which will not end.

In addition, I felt the Lord impressed me strongly that, although there will be help from those outside the Mennonite circles, from those who understand the ways of the Lord, He has already prepared MANY within the Mennonites (etc.) circles who will be vessels through whom God will bring this awakening, and will receive the wisdom and power, and the anointed words to preach. These have a hunger for the truth, but they will be called, and commissioned, and equipped by God to gather His people to the Truth. God will use their strong foundation of truth to quickly prepare them to be used in a new way.

Ultimately, this move will lift up Jesus, and will draw people to their Father and to His love.

My additional thoughts: Recently I have written two articles which are on my website BruceLengeman.com. One is about the difference between peacekeeping (a poison) and peacemaking (a virtue). Many mix these two up. But this move of God will not be pioneered by peacekeepers, but by the violent that take it by force—not physical violence, but contending in the Spirit with a determination to redeem people out of religion and into the Father’s fullness. The second article is what God showed me about much of contemporary churchianity as I sought a deeper revelation of the Letter to the Ephesian Church in Revelation 2:1.

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Published On: July 13, 2022 / Categories: General /