A primary brainwashing technique that has been used since the beginning of time to promote an agenda is to misuse, distort or villianize terminology. When people want to manipulate the way people believe and act, and market their specific ideas, they start with perverting accurate definitions. (Villianize means to attach a negative connotation to a term which has positive applications, or a positive connotation to a negative concept. )

Accurate terminology is essential for healthy understanding—in any arena of life. Terminology enables you to use the concept. Inaccurate terminology corrupts the concept. Like never before, and I mean like NEVER-EVER before, an agenda group, the political left, is successfully promoting their agenda by redefining and demonizing a host of virtues, values, and principles, simply by changing the terms. I realize that the left is not the only group guilty of such tactics. The left, the right, the center, the neutrals, etc. are all guilty at times of slandering terminology and promoting false agendas. But regarding the present onslaught against Kingdom truth, I could make a huge list of terms that have changed due to leftist political correctness. Example: An illegal immigrant is now upgraded to an “undocumented” or “unauthorized” immigrant. Example: Though LGBT is not a word, it is a group of letters defining a concept. LGBT is a royal manipulation in that, there ARE people who have same sex attraction (LGB), but there is no such thing as transgender. Lumping the T in with the LGB is mind-bending deceit—a fine example of how the left defines science through an agenda—instead of the reverse. Social justice is a grandiose term used to influence people to think their antics are noble, while justifying IN-justice against those who oppose their corrupt “social-justice” agenda. Social justice perverts the term justice.

But the manipulated term I want to focus on in this article is conspiracy theory. No matter what happens anywhere there is a likelihood of somebody, somewhere, smelling a rat in the mix. I could list a plethora of ridiculous conspiracy theories that people actually believed or believe.

But the truth is that conspiracy theories often are proven to be true. History is full of people who opposed what the status quo believed and were laughed to scorn, and some ended up burned at stake for what they believed, only to be proven true too late to redeem the theorist.

Such is the case today. BUT, the left has warped the definition of conspiracy theory to mean, that 100% of the time a conspiracy theory is an opinion that is irrational, insane, absurd, illogical, stupid. Then, anybody who opposes their antics, operations, or agendas are demeaned and disregarded by calling them conspiracy theorists—par with calling somebody a jerk. Take, for example, the 2020 Presidential election fraud. Take for example, unethical aspects of the worldwide Covid insanity and the research and knowledge that was quenched and erased—labeled conspiracy theories. Now, more than a year later, mainstream science is recognizing that a host of those conspiracy theories are actually true (of course, without giving credit or apology to those who were right in the first place!)

The greatest truths in history have been uncovered by people who today would be reduced to a conspiracy theorist. Yes, there are multitudes of conspiracy theorists who are nincompoops, but, thank God, there are conspiracy theorists that accurately smell REAL rats in the mix, and call them out. Multitudes of conspiracy theories have brought to life the truth and exposed deception, and in time, the status-quo-ers become the nincompoops.

In our world today, in many ways every follower of Christ must identify with being a conspiracy theorist in our opposition to the madness being promoted as truth by socialist dimwits. The reality is—we are conspiracy EXPOSERS! So when you hear an idea being demeaned as a conspiracy theory, NO MATTER WHAT GROUP PROPOGATES IT, recognize that it may be irrational, illogical, or insane, but conversely, it may be brilliant, accurate, and verifiable. And be aware that in the present political distress, any opinion that opposes the leftist agenda may end up disregarded on the basis of conspiracy theory.


until it rained.

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Published On: July 16, 2021 / Categories: General /